Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Free Will

For ages, people have fought for freedom from external influences. Erstwhile colonial powers have been staved off by men who have exalted the importance of having the freedom to think, live and act freely. But have we ever paused for a moment and asked ourselves, are we really free? Unless you are one of the lead characters from 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest', the answer would be anybody's guess!

It starts from the time a fetus is allowed to see the light of the day only when the laws of nature provide consent. At times, some are not even fortunate to do so! Later, as a child, we are brought up with the expectation to conform to the world which has already been created. Then comes the stage where the rules dictate us to chose not beyond a set of 'sanctioned' occupations, raise a family, retire after a certain age and finally draw a close post a period of emotional, mental and physiological decadence. Unfortunate but true, the circle of life doesn't concede any leeway at all!

Au contraire, there are people who, in pursuit of the elusive intellectual independence, embark on a journey of creative pursuits like fine arts, debating over incomprehensible ideas and then celebrating their illusory achievements by plunging into an endless spree of eating, drinking and merry making. While conferring themselves with titles of cerebral supremacy, they lose track of their destination. In reality, they are a species constantly on the verge of self extinction.

What binds us all is the fact that we think we have free will, yet we move like automaton. Our incessant craving for freedom is what makes us exactly the opposite, creatures of slavery!

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